🎵New Music Coming! 🙌

Whew! What a summer!! ☀️ We’ve had quite the summer filled with lots of unexpected changes.

Just a quick heads up! 🎵I’ll be sharing some snippets this week of NEW MUSIC I’ve been working on! So keep an eye out for new reels on my Facebook and Instagram! 🤩

Also, Greetings from Mrs. Teacher Mom!! (At least that’s what my son calls me now). 🤓

One of the big changes we decided to make is: I’m going to be homeschooling my son! Woot!

I may not be teaching in the school system now while he’s in school, but I feel prepared and up to the task to help our little guy get the education and additional support he needs right now. Especially as we navigate through his specific developmental needs.

Not only do I already struggle daily with my own ADHD and anxiety but with these new changes, it can make life extremely difficult to add on other hobbies and interests (especially sharing often online) when my focus needs to be put on Heavenly Father & my family first. 👌

Just know I will be sharing when and how I can. But there is most definitely NEW MUSIC on its way that’s ready to be shared! Thank YOU for being here and for your love and support!!

Any guesses on which new hymn rendition(complete with SHEET MUSIC) I’ll be sharing next?! 🎶 

Is it….

•Called to Serve?

•God (is) with you till we met again?

•The Lord is my Light?

•Lead Kindly Light?

•None of the above?

I’d love to hear your guesses! 🙌

Happy Tuesday!!
